from pynicotine import slskmessages from pynicotine.pluginsystem import BasePlugin from pynicotine.config import config #from pynicotine.userbrowse import UserBrowse #Autobahn: #Highway to hell #My way or the highway #LOL, whatever #def enable(plugins): # global PLUGIN # PLUGIN = Plugin(plugins) #def disable(plugins): # global PLUGIN # PLUGIN = None class Plugin(BasePlugin): __name__ = "Autobahn" settings = { 'ban_message': 'AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: You are not sharing enough and you were banned. Please check my user info for more', 'warn_message': 'AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: Thanks for sharing over 10GB. If you share over 20GB I will remove 2 file limit allowing you to queue as many files as you want', 'friend_message': 'AUTOMATIC MESSAGE: Welcome to my buddy list. 2 file limit will no longer apply to you - you will need to retry all files stopped by the limit.\nAUTOMATIC MESSAGE: I would appreciate if you don\'t put more than 1000 files in a queue at a time as it may crash Nicotine+', 'ban_min_files': 100, 'ban_min_bytes': 10000, 'friend_min_bytes': 20000 } metasettings = { 'ban_message': { 'description': 'Banned message', 'type': 'textview'}, 'warn_message': { 'description': 'Warning message', 'type': 'textview'}, 'friend_message': { 'description': 'Added to list message', 'type': 'textview'}, 'ban_min_files': { 'description': 'Minimum number of shared files to avoid a ban', 'type': 'integer'}, 'ban_min_bytes': { 'description': 'Minimum total size of shared files to avoid a ban (MB)', 'type': 'integer'}, 'friend_min_bytes': { 'description': 'Minimum total size of shared files to add to friend list (MB)', 'type': 'integer'} } def init(self): self.probed = {} self.retries = {} def upload_queued_notification(self, user, virtualfile, realfile): try: self.probed[user] except KeyError: self.probed[user] = 'requesting' self.retries[user] = 1 self.core.queue.append(slskmessages.GetUserStats(user)) self.log('User %s, requesting information...' % user) def user_stats_notification(self, user, stats): try: status = self.probed[user] except KeyError: # we did not trigger this notification return if status == 'requesting': #check if user file list has finished loading #if not ready - request UserStats again - it is used as a timer hack to prevent locking UI #status check fails if user browse tab is closed manualy before fully loading try: total_size_text = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].share_size_label.get_text() total_folders_text_temp = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].num_folders_label.get_text() total_folders_text = total_folders_text_temp.replace(",","") info_box_text = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].info_bar.label.get_text() progressbar_fraction = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].progress_bar.get_fraction() self.log("total %s, folders %s, progress %s, info_text %s" % (total_size_text, total_folders_text, progressbar_fraction, info_box_text)) refreshing = True total_size_array = total_size_text.split(" ") total_size_number = float(total_size_array[0]) total_size_unit = total_size_array[1] if (progressbar_fraction == 1): self.log("fraction true"); if ("empty" in info_box_text): self.log("empty infobox true"); if (total_size_number > 0): self.log("size >0 true"); if (float(total_folders_text) > 0): self.log("folders >0 true"); if ((progressbar_fraction == 1) and ("offline" in info_box_text)): refreshing = False if ((progressbar_fraction == 1) and ("empty" in info_box_text)): refreshing = False # if ((progressbar_fraction == 1) and ((total_size_text != "0.0 B") or (total_folders_text != "0"))): if ((progressbar_fraction == 1) and ((total_size_number > 0) or (float(total_folders_text) > 0))): refreshing = False except KeyError: return if refreshing: self.retries[user] = self.retries[user] + 1 #user browse sometimes gets stuck - so every 100 tries (roughly 5-10s) new request will be made to push it if (self.retries[user] % 100 == 0): self.log("Still waiting for files from user %s, retry %s" % (user, self.retries[user])) self.core.userbrowse.browse_user(user) self.core.queue.append(slskmessages.GetUserStats(user)) return #if cannot connect message appeared - stop checking info_box_text = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].info_bar.label.get_text() if ("offline" in info_box_text): return total_size_text = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].share_size_label.get_text() total_folders_text = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].num_folders_label.get_text() total_size_array = total_size_text.split(" ") total_size_number = float(total_size_array[0]) total_size_unit = total_size_array[1] #self.log("after split %s, %s" % (total_size_number, total_size_unit)) if (total_size_unit == "B"): total_size = total_size_number elif (total_size_unit == "KiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "MiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "GiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "TiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "PiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "EiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "ZiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif (total_size_unit == "YiB"): total_size = total_size_number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 else: total_size = 0 #total_size, num_folders = self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].create_folder_tree(self.frame.userbrowse.pages[user].shares) total_size = int(total_size / 10000) / 100 #check if user is on the buddy list already user_buddy = False for users in config.sections["server"]["userlist"]: if user == users[0]: user_buddy = True ban = False add_to_list = False remove_from_list = False warn = False #decision matrix #there is a bug in Slsk client where it doesn't update shared files correctly and they are reported as 0 #thus 0 may actually mean user is sharing - and usually a lot # < ban_min_bytes ban_min_bytes - friend_min_bytes > friend_min_bytes # 0 ban / remove_from_list warn / remove_from_list add_to_list # 1 - ban_min_files ban / remove_from_list ban / remove_from_list ban / remove_from_list # > ban_min_files ban / remove_from_list warn / remove_from_list add_to_list #decision logic if ((stats['files'] > 0) and (stats['files'] < self.settings['ban_min_files'])): # if ((float(total_folders_text) > 0) and (stats['files'] < self.settings['ban_min_files'])): #user shares between 1 and ban_min_files #ban user #self.log("1-100, ban & remove") self.log("User %s shares: %s / %s files, %s total Mbytes" % (user, stats['files'], self.settings['ban_min_files'], total_size)) ban = True remove_from_list = True if (total_size < (self.settings['ban_min_bytes'])): # if (total_size < (self.settings['ban_min_bytes']) and total_size > 0): #user shares below ban_min_bytes #ban user #self.log("<10GB, ban & remove") self.log("User %s shares: %s / %s files, %s / %s / %s total Mbytes" % (user, stats['files'], self.settings['ban_min_files'], total_size, self.settings['ban_min_bytes'], self.settings['friend_min_bytes'])) ban = True remove_from_list = True if (((total_size > (self.settings['ban_min_bytes'])) and (total_size < (self.settings['friend_min_bytes']))) and ((stats['files'] > self.settings['ban_min_files']) or (stats['files'] == 0))): #user shares enough #self.log("0/100+, 10-20GB, remove") self.log("User %s shares: %s / %s files, %s / %s / %s total Mbytes" % (user, stats['files'], self.settings['ban_min_files'], self.settings['ban_min_bytes'], total_size, self.settings['friend_min_bytes'])) remove_from_list = True warn = True if ((total_size > (self.settings['friend_min_bytes'])) and ((stats['files'] > self.settings['ban_min_files']) or (stats['files'] == 0))): #add user #self.log("0/100+, 20GB+, add") self.log("User %s shares: %s / %s files, %s / %s / %s total Mbytes" % (user, stats['files'], self.settings['ban_min_files'], self.settings['ban_min_bytes'], self.settings['friend_min_bytes'], total_size)) add_to_list = True #actions if ban: #ban user self.log("User banned: %s" %user) #Send message to user for line in self.settings['ban_message'].splitlines(): self.send_private(user, line) if warn: #warn user self.log("User warned: %s" %user) #Send message to user for line in self.settings['warn_message'].splitlines(): self.send_private(user, line) if add_to_list: #add user to list if not yet there if not user_buddy: self.log("User added to friend list: %s" %user) for line in self.settings['friend_message'].splitlines(): self.send_private(user, line) else: self.log("User already on friend list: %s" %user) if remove_from_list: #remove from list if user_buddy: self.log("User removed from friend list: %s" %user) #done with this user :) self.probed[user] = 'processed' else: # We already dealt with this user. pass